To Start A Blog.

Is it an absolute cliché at this point to acknowledge the creation of a blog through a clumsy and awkward first blog post?


Am I going to do it anyways?


Let’s get the basic stuff out of the way: a debrief of sorts. My name is Alison and I am a 23 year old new grad from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I have always had a love for all things Internet and writing so even I’m surprised it has taken me this long to start a blog. I guess up until now I thought I wasn’t interesting enough to have a blog. (To clarify, I still don’t think I’m interesting enough, I just care less about it now.)

So what is this predicable millennial going to fill this blog with? Good question! It will probably be a mix of lifestyle, baking, books and travel along with the occasional post about being a 23 year old public relations graduate navigating her first job experiences. (oooh yes, another cliché!)

But in all seriousness, I don’t want to give everything away in one post! I can’t promise that it will be great, I can’t promise that it will be frequent but I can promise that I will try! (does this count as a third cliché?)

– Alison